The Infiltration book

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Title: Infiltration in Daily Practice
Author: Erik-Jan Muts, MSc.
Enamel defects (i.e. white or yellow discolourations) are an often seen phenomenon in daily dental practice. In the past treatment of these defects used to be invasive, using porcelain or composite veneers at young adolescent patients. However, with the ‘Infiltration Concept’ (ICON) a new treatment procedure has been developed which is able to infiltrate the enamel defect and to restore the esthetic characteristics in a minimal invasive way. This book will guide you through the different defects, their protocols and the symbiosis between bleaching, micro-abrasion, infiltration and cosmetic bonding; the Fantastic Four. Become a Master of Infiltration now!

“A must-read for every restorative dentist. A game changer!” – Maarten de Beer (@thedentaldutchman)

This book is included for free in the Infiltration Online Course!!

ISBN: 978-94-93289-59-8
Pages: 380
Published by: K. Publishing

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