You can find more information on the course’s introduction page, here.
The human body is a beautiful organism. Beautiful, and very complex to understand. In health-care we should never forget this, and we should always consider the mouth as a small piece of this whole and beautiful organism.
This is where Karma.Integrated is all about. It’s about our journey in understanding the human body and the connection with dentistry. And the more we learn, the more we realize that there is still so much to discover.
Karma.Integrated is not a finished course. It’s a continuing education-platform from where we host our ongoing journey and we invite you to join us. Of course, we have recorded some basic lessons that are given by reknowned university-teacher Erik Schut who is a clinicial, psycho-neuro immunologist which are both in English and Dutch. And in addition to these lessons we recorded a series of special webinars and podcasts with a variety of special guests with challenging topics. New webinars and/or podcasts will be added every month and are exclusively recorded for the Karma.Integrated course.