with Erik-Jan Muts (@drs.erikjan)and Maarten de Beer (@thedentaldutchman)
On 6-7 June 2025 Karma. Dentistry organizes Wear. A two-day live hands-on course.

We all see tooth wear among our patients.
Nowadays people keep their teeth longer and therefore tooth wear becomes a bigger problem.
There are a lot of courses that teach you about tooth wear, how to diagnose what kind of wear you’re dealing with and how you could treat the wear! But there are not many courses that actually teach you a step by step in restoring tooth wear with direct composite! Until now!
Karma Wear is a two-day tooth wear restoration course where we will dive in all the specifics that are important when restoring tooth wear with direct composite. We will go over injection moulding, the stamp technique and free hand build-up. As well as treatment planning, wax-up, mock-up and protection.

- Educational level: Dentists
- KRT: 12 KRT-points
what do I get
- Two Day Direct Tooth Wear Restoration Course:
- Direct posterior restoration of tooth wear
- Direct anterior restoration of tooth wear
- Treatment Planning
- Communication with the lab
- The Occlusal Stamp technique
- The Injection Moulding technique
- Freehand build-up
- Course materials

Karma. members receive
10% discount

the program
Day 1
08:00 – Welcome
08:30 – Lecture: Treatment Planning
09:30 – Hands-on: Bite-registration
10:00 – Lecture: Communication with the lab
12:00 – Lunch
13:00 – Lecture: Treatment of posterior tooth wear
14:00 – Hands-on: The Stamp Technique
17:30 – Q&A
19:00 – Dinner
Day 2
06:30 – The Dental Morning Run (6km)
09:00 – Lecture: Anteriors tooth wear
10:30 – Hands-on: The Injection Moulding technique
12:00 – Lunch
13:00 – Hands-on: Freehand anterior build-up
17:30 – Certificates & Farewell
6-7 June 2025
Hotel New York
Koninginnenhoofd 1
3072 AD Rotterdam
We strongly recommend staying at the hotel during our intensive course, to get the best experience out of it. You can contact Iris Pierco from GC (iris.pierco@gc.dental) to reserve a room for you.
Note: there are only 15 hotel rooms available for participants of the course