Biomimetic Building BlocK.s
Your first step in becoming a Biomimetic master
whats’ this course about?
Are you sometimes frustrated with your day to day work? Do you have emergency patients with fractures? Do you see a lot of secondary decay or maybe post-op sensitivity? Do you encounter debonds or does deep decay often lead to endodontic treatments? Well, look no further!
This course is designed for dental professionals seeking to elevate their practice by embracing biomimetic techniques to reconstruct a tooth in its natural form, strength and function. By understanding and implementing these methods, you’ll enhance the longevity and functionality of your patients’ teeth.
For this course we’ve partnered up with the Alleman Center of Biomimetic Dentistry. In this online course your teachers David Alleman (, Davey Alleman (@davey_alleman_dmd) and Maarten de Beer (@thedentaldutchman) will introduce you to the world of Biomimetic Dentistry and over the course of four modules you’ll learn what Biomimetic Dentistry is all about.
For this course we only have 10 spots!
what is biomimetic dentistry?
Biomimetic Dentistry is booming! With Biomimetic dentistry we try to mimic the natural structure and function of a tooth as closely as possible.
Traditional dentistry often involves removing significant portions of a tooth to treat decay or damage, leading to the use of large fillings or dental crowns. Biomimetic dentistry, on the other hand, aims to conserve tooth structure and replicate the natural biomechanics of teeth.
It’s a bottom to top approach where we bond the tooth front to back, side to side and top to bottom.
The primary goals include:
* Minimal Invasive Techniques
* Tooth and pulp preservation
* Bonded restorations (no mechanical retention, but real adhesive bonds)
* Functional and esthetic restorations

what do I get?
- 4 modules
- Maximum of 10 participants per course
- Live Q&A session
- 12-month online access & support
- Multiple decades of knowledge compressed into one course
- Certificate upon completion

Karma. members receive 10% discount
What do I need to know?
This course is meant as an introduction to Biomimetic Dentistry. If you feel you want to know more about the science behind the course there is always the 12-month Biomimetic Mastership at the Alleman Center of Biomimetic Dentistry.
If you decide to sign up for the full Biomimetic Mastership you’ll receive the fee of the Biomimetic Building BlocK.s course as a discount.
learning objectives
- Diagnosing caries removal using caries detecting dye
- Eliminating gaps under restorations and cracks into dentin
- Using gold-standard bonding systems
- C-Factor stress relief
- Pulpal biology
- Dental hard tissue differences
- Managing occlusal forces
- How to tie it all together